Table of Contents, Year LXII (2020)
Unlike the Italian version of the review Il Federalista, which comes out three times a year, The Federalist (English language version) is published as a single annual volume at the end of each year. It is sent to subscribers by the end of the February of the following year. However, some of the articles included in the English edition are published ahead of print on-line.
Table of Contents, Year LXII (2020)
Italian edition
Number 1-2 |
Download Issue |
Number 3 |
Scarica il numero |
Editorial |
L’Europa laboratorio di un nuovo modello di comunità politica |
Essays |
Il potere politico: dallo Stato nazionale allo Stato federale |
La politica di potenza. L’Unione europea e il sistema internazionale |
Il concetto di Stato ed il suo significato per il processo di integrazione europea |
Sovranità |
Il realismo politico |
Responsabilità e politica (e il problema del potere) |
Notes |
La Convenzione europea del 2009: luci e ombre |
Bielorussia, Russia e Unione europea |
La crisi pandemica e l’Europa |
Viewpoints |
Sfide planetarie, come affrontarle? |
Discussions |
Riflessioni su politica e sovranità |
Documents |
Il finanziamento dell’Unione europea – Proposte per una riforma dei Trattati per istituire una competenza fiscale dell’Unione europea |
Table of Contents, Year LXI (2019)
Unlike the Italian version of the review Il Federalista, which comes out three times a year, The Federalist (English language version) is published as a single annual volume at the end of each year. It is sent to subscribers by the end of the February of the following year. However, some of the articles included in the English edition are published ahead of print on-line.
Table of Contents, Year LXI (2019)
Italian edition
Number 1-2 |
Download Issue |
Editorial |
Dopo il voto europeo si apre la battaglia per rifondare l’Unione europea su basi federali |
Essays |
Tutela della concorrenza e politica industriale europea |
Governare la globalizzazione: esistono alternative al modello liberal-democratico? |
Uno sguardo sulla crisi della civiltà europea |
Il nodo della sovranità europea nella lotta contro criminalità organizzata e mafie |
Notes |
Nuove tecnologie, globalizzazione e il futuro dell’Europa dopo il 2020 |
L’accordo tra la Grecia e lo Stato Macedone |
Democrazia e politica nell’era teconologica e della guerra cibernetica. L’Europa sotto attacco |
Viewpoints |
Le risposte comunitarie al fenomeno migratorio |
Documents |
La proposta franco-tedesca per la creazione di un bilancio della zona euro: criticità e prospettive |
Thirty Years Ago | L’Europa e il mondo dopo il 1989 Il Federalista |
Number 3 |
Download Issue |
Editorial |
L’inquietudine dell’Europa |
Essays |
Il senso spirituale dell’Europa come concetto filosofico e non semplice espressione geografica |
Il dilemma dell’identità europea |
Migrazioni e cambiamenti climatici |
Notes |
Come governare l’Europa e il mondo nell’era dell’interdipendenza globale? |
Viewpoints |
Relazione al Comitato federale dell’UEF |
Documents |
Cosa significa creare una capacità fiscale europea e perché è così importante per il processo di integrazione? |
Il senso della battaglia per la rivoluzione federale in Europa |
Verso la Conferenza sul futuro dell’Europa |
Year V of the review has been published in French.
The following article is available in English:
Number 3, Essays
Pour un emploi contrôlé de la terminologie nationale et supranationale
Mario Albertini
is available in English in The Federalist, 1993, n. 3 under the title:
For a Regulated Use of National and Supranational Terminology
Table of Contents, Year XXVI, 1984
Number 1 | Download Issue |
Editorial |
The Federalist |
Essays |
Mario Albertini |
North-South Relations and Europe Reform John Pinder |
Notes |
On English as a Universal Language Francesco Rossolillo |
German Reunification and Europe Unification Sergio Pistone |
Reform of the Council: the Bundesrat Model Richard Corbett |
Thurow and the Problem of Equity Alberto Majocchi |
Federalist Action |
The Relations between Politics and Culture in the Experience of the MFE in Italy Francesco Rossolillo |
Federalism in the History of Tghought |
The Federalist |
Number 2 | Download Issue |
Editorial |
The Problem of Peace and the European Parliament The Federalist |
Essays |
National Sovereignty and Peace Lord Lothian |
Federalism in a Post-Industrial Society Francesco Rossolillo |
Notes |
Francesco Rossolillo |
Problems of Peace |
The Third European Convention for Nuclear Disarmament Nicoletta Mosconi |
What Does "Education for Peace" Mean? Marita Rampazi |
Federalism in the History of Thought | Prefaced and edited by Guido Montani |
Number 3 | Download Issue |
Editorial |
The Federalist |
Essays |
Economic Union and the Draft Treaty John Pinder |
Notes |
Sir Charles Kimber |
Territorial Identity and Democracy Francesco Rossolillo |
Britain within the European Economic Community: the Way Forward Alberto Majocchi |
Problems of Peace |
The Benefits of Reducing Military Spending Lucio Levi |
General Löser Takes a Step Backwards to Nationalism Sergio Pistone |
Federalist Action |
The Federalist Struggle in Britain Ernest Wistrich |
Guido Montani | |
The Political Orientation of the Mfe MFE |
Discussions |
A Letter from Rosario Romeo on German Re-Unification Rosario Romeo |
Peace and Politics: a Prelude to New Relationship Antonio Longo |
Andrea Chiti-Batelli | |
Federalism in The History of Thought | The Federalist |
Table of Contents, Year XXX, 1988
Number 1 | Download Issue |
Editorial | The Problem of Security in the Nuclear Age The Federalist |
Essays | Ecu and Rouble: towards a New International Monetary Order Alfonso Jozzo |
Notes |
The European Federalist Movement's Criticism of the Treaties of Rome |
European Law and National Constitutional Law |
Federalism and Political Thought of Cristian Inspiration |
Proposals for a European Ecological Movement |
"Planetary Man" |
Unbalanced Growth and the International Market: The Case of European Regional Politics |
Viewpoints |
The International System and Centralizing Dynamics in Today's Federal State |
Federalism in the History of Thought |
Giuseppe Antonio Borgese |
Number 2 | Download Issue |
Editorial | From Détente to Peace The Federalist |
Essays | The Posthoumous Writings of Walter Lipgens on the History of European Unification Sergio Pistone |
Notes |
Protection and Validation of European Resources |
The Cost of Non Europe |
I problemi della pace | Peace and Defence of Environment Nicoletta Mosconi |
Viewpoints | Hamilton and Proudhonian Federalists: Synergy not Conflict John Pinder |
Discussions | Clarence Streit and the Idea of the Union of Democracies Joseph Preston Baratta |
Federalism in the History of Thought |
Ludvig Dehio |
Number 3 | Download Issue |
Editorial | Traditional Détente and Innovative Détente The Federalist |
Essays | The Bolshevik Revolution and Federalism Guido Montani |
Notes |
Referendum on the European Union and National Constitutions |
Bolshevism, Nazism and the Crisis in the Nation State |
European Union and European Community: Two Incompatible Institutional Systems? Antonio Padoa Schioppa |
Viewpoints | Nation States and a New International System Tibor Palnkai |
Discussions | Conretizing the Path Toward World Government Ira Straus |
Federalist Action |
A Joint WAWF-UEF Appeal to Gorbachev and Reagan |
Federalism in the History of Thought | Jean Monnet Giovanni Vigo |
The Federalist / Le Fédéraliste / Il Federalista
Via Villa Glori, 8
I-27100 Pavia |